Mazda logo must print in Mazda blue and black.
Placement is flush right above product name. Product name
should dominate within the white area. Photo and white area
are divided by a
”, black band bleeds left/right. Text (if any)
should be displayed flush right below product name.
(See Diagram 13)
One-third gradient or solid color, with two-third clean white
bottom area. All text knocks out and is flush left, within color
area. Use specified fonts. Indicate tics and instructions for
placement of picking and part labels.
(See Diagram 14)
Using 4C P pms 877C:
Follow basic design principle using two-thirds ratio of 4-c
product photo (not shown) only if photo does not conflict with
overlying product, or a gradient of 100% pms Process Blue and
black, and one-third clean white space at bottom with 60% soft
gradient of pms 877 (or 4-c substitute if restricted by ink colors)
that comes from left-hand side of bottom white area and blends
to 0%.
(See Diagram 13)
Using 2-Color Only:
If 2-color only, follow basic layout of 4C, except two-third area
will be 100% solid black. Band will be 100% pms Process Blue.
(See Diagram 15)
Diagram 15
2-color: pms Process Blue + Black
Shown with solids, no image use.
Diagram 14 (BACK)
4-color gr pms 877C
When no image is available,
use this gradient graphic.
Gradient of 100% black +
100% pms Process Blue use.
Diagram 13 (FRONT)
4-color gr pms 877C
When no image is available, use this gradient graphic.
Gradient of 100% black +100% pms Process Blue use.