The brand Mazda has become a mark of excellence worldwide.
With a rich history in technology development and a wide variety of proven excellent vehicles, Mazda has reached a high level in the
public preference. Its revolutionary rotary engine, the electric, fuel cell and hybrid vehicles, the new rotary hydrogen engine and the finest
auto designs, are milestones in the automobile industry.
The Mazda program of brand identity reflects these achievements and shows its pride in every piece of communication, from ads to
promotional material and parts and accessories packaging.
This manual is a condensed and practical set of guidelines to help our suppliers participate in the Mazda philosophy and achieve the
consistency that will enhance the success of our common business.
Mazda Identification Standards
Since 1998, the new brand symbol of Mazda captures the spirit of the company and its aspirations for the future. It became a preeminent
mark of excellence worldwide.
The brand symbol, together with our corporate logotype, is our word, our signature, a key element in our continuous success. As the
centerpiece around which all other graphics elements must revolve, our corporate identification must be used consistently in all
The following pages outline the requirements for usage on accessories packaging materials, because there is no element too insignificant
not to fall within these guidelines.
If you have any questions about the policies or guidelines set out in this manual, or have a situation which does not seem to be
addressed in the information presented here, contact the Mazda Accessory Marketing Department.