maximatecc CCpilot VC Скачать руководство пользователя страница 10



CCpilot VC 


Common templates 














Power supply installation 

This chapter describes installation of CCpilot VC in vehicles or other machines. The principle is the 
same also for other types of installations.  

For connector pinout, see chapter 6 - Connectors

Before installing the device into a v ehicle or other machinery, carefully read through the instructions 


Wire gauge for the supply input shall be dimensioned with respect to cable length, supply 
v oltage, maximum allowed voltage drop and maximum current consumption of the device.  



As a guideline, the recommended minimum power supply cable area is: 


0.75 mm


 (AWG 18) 


When connecting the device to a v ehicles or machines battery (or other power source with 
high current capabilities), always apply fusing to prevent cable fire in case of short circuit. 



The fuse shall be located as close to the battery/power source as possible. 



Fuse rating shall be dimensioned with respect to wire gauge maximum current rating 
and inrush current of the load. Refer to chapter 7.1 - Technical data for fuse rating 



As a guideline, a fuse with 5 -8 A current rating should be used. 


The device’s external on/off control signal (multipin connector 1, pin J1-3) should be 
connected to the positive supply line via the v ehicles turnkey switch or a separate on/off 
switch (see “S2” in schematic below). 



Remember to apply fusing also to the on/off control signal. 



Sev eral CCpilot VC devices may be controlled by the same external on/off switch by 
joining their external on/off control signals. The current drawn from this signal (when 
turned ON) is up to 1.5 mA for each device attached. The fuse rating and wire gauge 
shall be dimensioned for the total switch current. 


If the v ehicle or machine has a main power switch (see “S1” in schematic below), the device’s 
power supply and on/off signal shall be connected after this switch. Observe that this switch 
shall not be used for switching the device on/off during normal operation. It is only intended 
for disconnecting the battery to prevent draining of the battery during prolonged stalling 
intervals of the v ehicle or machine. 

Содержание CCpilot VC

Страница 1: ...2 2 2017 03 13 www maximatecc com Technical Manual CCpilot VC ...

Страница 2: ...and maintenance 11 4 Basic operations 13 4 1 Turning ON 13 4 2 Turning OFF and suspending 13 4 3 Adjusting the screen brightness 16 4 4 Using the touch screen 16 4 5 Status notification 16 4 6 Error codes 18 5 Interface overview 19 5 1 Storage memory 19 5 2 Front panel 19 5 3 Buzzer 19 5 4 Analog video inputs 19 5 5 CAN 20 5 6 USB 20 5 7 Ethernet 21 5 8 Configurable inputs 21 5 9 Configurable outp...

Страница 3: ...reen and no pushbuttons All thesemodels offerthesamelevel ofperformanceandconnectorinterfaces The aboveproduct models arecompatiblewiththeCrossLink AImoduleto supportwirelessinterfaces GSM GPRS WLANandBluetoothforcommunicationandGPSfor positioning 1 1 1 Customized models The platformenablesadditionalcustomizationofhardwareand software Describedhereinarethe featuresincludedusingproduct models descr...

Страница 4: ...ronmental Tolerance The devicehas beendesigned to copewithtough environmental demands Much efforthas beenput into selecting anddesigningsystemcomponentsto provideyouwitha user friendly working instrumentthatis reliable Rigorous testinghasbeen conductedin order to ensurecomplianceto a broadrangeofapplicableregulatory requirementsandto meettheuserexpectationsofa ruggedized deviceforvehicleandmachine...

Страница 5: ...mplates 2017 03 13 w ww maximatecc com 5 2 Device overview This chaptercontains illustrations ofthe CCpilot VC modelsshowingthelocationofexternal connectors indicatorsetc Additionalmechanicalinformation canbefoundin chapter 0 ...

Страница 6: ... a light sensor in the front Information about CCpilot VC standard models can be found in chapter 1 1 Product models CCpilot VC front side view CCpilot VC model without soft keys On the rear side of the device are the interface connectors Deutsch DTM 12 and a USB connector located under a cover There are also mounting holes for fasteners in accordance with AMPS hole pattern RAM 2 43 x 1 31 Diamond...

Страница 7: ...plates 2017 03 13 w ww maximatecc com 7 CCpilot VC rear side view Mounting holes AMPS Diamond base GORE TEX membrane under mount for added protection Identification label External connectors Deutsch DTM Cov er for USB connector ...

Страница 8: ...tora panel mount These two mountingmethods aredescribed separately below For both fastening methods usetheappropriateM5 x 0 8buttonheadscrew oftypeMRT Torx lengthshouldbe12mm Therecommended torqueforthescrews is 1 5 2 0 Nm Usinga splitringor toothed lockwasheris recommended Ensurethe M5 mounting screws arecleananddry 3 1 1 RAM mount CCpilot VCis preferably mounted using a RAM B 238U Mountwhichallo...

Страница 9: ...n 1 5mmand max 3mmpanel thickness Screwlengthshould be10mm Ensurethat CCpilotVCis mountedto a smooth flatsurface Fastening theunit to an uneven surface may stresstheenclosure damagetheouterflangeorpossiblyevenflex thecircuitboardinside leading to a prematurefailure Panel thickness mayvaryfrom1 5 to 3 5mmusingthestandardpanel mountbracket Panel cut outinformationavailablein dxf formatupon requestfo...

Страница 10: ...dwith respectto wiregaugemaximumcurrentrating and inrushcurrent oftheload Referto chapter 7 1 Technicaldataforfuserating details o As a guideline a fusewith5 8 A currentratingshould beused The device sexternalon offcontrol signal multipinconnector1 pinJ1 3 should be connectedto thepositivesupply lineviathevehiclesturnkeyswitchora separateon off switch see S2 in schematic below o Rememberto applyfu...

Страница 11: ...tion data is savedbeforeturningoffthe device Suddenpowerdisruptionsmay causethedeviceto shutdown potentiallycausinglostor corruptdata Ifforexamplethepowersupply voltagefluctuatessignificantly when starting the vehicleengine thedeviceshouldbestartedafterthe vehicleenginehas beenstarted During welding all cablesto thedeviceshall bedisconnected GND 1 2 3 4 F1 5 8 A GND BATTERY S2 Turnkey switch Multi...

Страница 12: ...nstalledto allowambientairto circulate aroundit A clearanceofatleast50 mmaroundthedeviceis recommended Avoidinstalling thedevicenearhot air ventsorin directsunlight To maintain thedevice sIP classification bothconnectors needto beattached Blindplugsfor not connectedsignals cables arealso necessary Each devicehasa GORE TEX membraneforventilation seelocationin chapter2 Device overview Forproperventi...

Страница 13: ...ns maximateccdoes notrecommend that thedeviceis being actively operatedby thedriverwhena risk ofinjuryto peopleordamageto property is present 3 5 1 Cleaning To ensureproperandreliablefunctionality overtime pay attentionto thefollowingcleaning instructionsandprecautions Wipe the device clean fromdirt using a soft lightdampcloth preferablyof microfiber type Avoidusingalkaline alcoholic orotherchemic...

Страница 14: ...anbestartedupin differentways 1 By connectingtheexternal on offcontrolsignal to positivesupply input orabove approximately 6 V o When started thisway theon offsignal mustremainasserted De assertion ofthis signal will shutdownthedeviceunlessconfiguredotherwise 2 By a short pressonthefront panelbuttonconfigured for on offcontrol a Note thatthis functionis not enabledas factorydefault 3 It is possibl...

Страница 15: ... areshutoffimmediately see chapter 4 2 3 ForcedShutdown for details Note this onlyapplies to buttonsconfigured as action trigger Fordetails see thesoftwaredocumentation o By factory default no actionis configured forthepushbuttons 4 By the operatingsystemshutdownalternatives To ensurethatdatadoesnotget lost ortheflash memorybecomes corrupt it is recommendedthatall necessary data shall besavedandal...

Страница 16: ...modeis higher thanin shut downmode To prevent a vehiclesormachines batteryfromdrainingwhen thedeviceis suspended a user configurabletime outcanbe setforhowlong theunit shall stayin Suspend mode before it automatically shuts down ThedefaultSuspendtime out is set to 60 minutes Resuming fromSuspendmodecan bedoneby oneofthe followingevents 1 By a low to hightransitionoftheexternal on offcontrol i e us...

Страница 17: ...olled from software whichalso allowsforautomatic adjustment ofthebrightnessusingthefront panel lightsensor The backlightbrightnessadjustment mayoptionally also beautomatically appliedto thepushbutton backlight Thepushbuttonbacklightcan otherwisebesetseparately using CCsettings applicationor the CCAux API 4 4 Using the touch screen This chapterappliesto CCpilotVCdevices containinga touchscreen The ...

Страница 18: ...ce off Off Starting up Flashing 2 Hz Operating started up Constant on Shutting down Constant on Internal heating activ ated Until lower temperature limit for start up is reached Flashing 1 Hz Entering forced shutdown using a button configured as action trigger During first 4 seconds After 4 seconds After 8 seconds Constant on intensity changed Flashing 10 Hz Off dev ice is switched off Observethat...

Страница 19: ...v erInit SS FRAM or temp light sensor malfunction 4 errCodeInternalVoltageOutOfLimits_NoBlinks Internal v oltages is outside allowed limits 5 errCodeMPDoneTimeoutErr Faulty or unprogrammed NAND Flash OS image or hardware error 6 errCodeTimeOutWaitingForVoltages Unstable internal v oltages 7 errCodeTEMPOutOfLimits Temperature sensor malfunction or extreme operating conditions 10 errCodeRCCInit SS c...

Страница 20: ... applications orused withthebuiltin automated functionfordimming ofthedisplay brightness 5 2 2 Pushbuttons Up to 8 softwareconfigurablepushbuttons areavailabledepending on the CCpilot VCmodel The buttonsmay beusedforuserapplicationinput turning the uniton offorcontrollingthebacklight referto thesoftwaredocumentationfordetails 5 3 Buzzer Thereis a buzzerin thefrontpanel thatcanbe usedforaudiblenoti...

Страница 21: ...upports anUSBOTGinterface i e actingas bothhostanddevice interfaces Using theport in USBdevicemode it s only for enableOSupdates througha connectedPC with appropriate tool installed InUSBhostmode it supportsthesamefunctionalityas theUSBhost portin themainconnector Note thesealingpropertyoftheunitis affectedwhenaccessingthesecondUSBportlocatedunderthe hatch Due to limitationin themultipinconnectors...

Страница 22: ...putsavailableonthe CCpilot VCthroughtheDeutschDTM 12connector 2 Each inputcan beconfiguredforvoltage measurement frequency measurement resistance measurement switchedto battery internal pull down orswitchedto ground internalpull up The operatingspecificationsforthevarious operating modesareprovidedbelow Mode Range Accuracy Resolution Voltage 2 5 V range 0 V 2 75 VDC typ 2 5 V min 5 V range 0 V 5 5...

Страница 23: ...ionandavoidplugging unplugging ofconnectorswhenthecomputeris powered up Always replacedamagedcables Ifa connectorpinbecomesbenttheinterfacemay notfunction correctly and the deviceshouldbereturnedto themanufacturerforrepair 6 1 Connector layout Note thatdescriptions hereinrefer to theconnectors located on thedeviceandnot thecable side connectorswhich areattached to thedevice Though thepinoutnumberi...

Страница 24: ...CCpilot VC 2 2 Common templates 2017 03 13 w ww maximatecc com 24 ...

Страница 25: ...tion Typical operating Max operating Shutdown Suspend 5 7 W 15 W external loads 120 mW 400 mW Inrush current 24 VDC input 12 VDC input 1 5 A for 10 ms 1 5 A for 10 ms External fuse recommendation Current rating 12V 24V input 5 A min This assumesthat the fuseis inaccordancewithIEC20127 i e can be continuously operat ed at 100 of rated current Interfaces CAN Type Driv er Baud Rate CAN ISO 11898 2 2 ...

Страница 26: ...e enabled Configurable outputs Nominal output current Diagnostics On state resistance Turn on time Turn off time Leakage current 1 3 A Note power input current limit of 4 A Short to GND short to battery ov er load ov er temperature 200 mΩ typ 380 mΩ max 80 µs typ 180 µs max 80 µs typ 200 µs max 5 µA HMI Pushbuttons 2x4 soft keys configurable function Dimmable LED illumination and tactile feedback ...

Страница 27: ... 10605 2008 8 kV air 6 kV contact EM C RF Immunity Radiated 1 ISO 11452 2 2004 RF electromagnetic field 200 1000MHz 30V m EM C RF Immunity Induced 1 ISO 11452 4 2005 Cor 1 2009 Bulk Current Injection 20 200MHz 60 mA EM C Radiated Emission 1 ISO 14982 2009 Narrow b Broad b M Hz dBµV m dBµV m 30 75 54 44 64 54 75 400 44 55 54 65 400 1000 55 65 Enclosure Ingress Protection IEC 60529 2014 IP66 1 Requi...

Страница 28: ...emplates 2017 03 13 w ww maximatecc com 28 7 3 Weight and dimensions Description Comments Dimensions 187 x 112 x 48 mm W x H x D Weight 0 45 Kg Mounting holes Spacing Thread dimension Thread depth RAM B 238U 48 5 mm M5 7 7 mm ...

Страница 29: ...eunit whichyou findonthebrand label Date ofpurchase which is foundontheinvoice The conditionsandcircumstancesunderwhichtheproblemarises Errorcodessignaledby theinternal buzzer Possibleerror messages which areshown Operating systemtypeand itsversionnumber The devicelog files ifpossible Preparea systemreport on thedevice fromwithinCCsettings ifpossible Information regardingpossibleexternalequipmentw...

Страница 30: ...ishandbookis suppliedwithout anyguaranteesand can changewithoutpriornotification For maximatecclicensedsoftware maximateccgrantsyoua license to under maximatecc intellectual propertyrights to use reproduce distribute marketandsell thesoftware only as a partof or integrated within thedevicesforwhichthisdocumentationconcerns Any otherusage such as but not limitedto reproduction distribution marketin...

Страница 31: ... tests 26 Env ironmental Tolerance 4 Ethernet 21 External interfaces 22 Flash 19 Forced shutdown 16 Fuse 9 GoreTex 11 Handling 11 Handling 7 Inputs 22 Installation 7 Installing cables 11 Introduction 3 Light sensor 19 Maintenance 11 Memory 19 ON OFF 9 Outputs 22 Pinouts 22 Pins 22 Ports 22 Power supply installation 9 Resume 15 Right click 16 Shutting down 13 Size 27 Specifications 24 Starting Up 1...
