Pos: 132 /Technis che Dok umentation/A lle G eräte/ Überschr iften/Üb erschriften 1.1/ U/Überschrift 1.1: Umstellung S ommerzeit/Normalzeit @ 21\mod_ 1277881756766_75.d ocx @ 862193 @ 2 @ 1
Clock Changing between Daylight Saving Time/Standard Time
Pos: 133 /Technis che Dok umentation/ Bremsprüftechnik/M BT- SERIES/ 022301 MBT LON/BA/I nhalt: 0223 Umstellung Sommer-/Winterzeit @ 27\mod_ 1327402730580_ 75.docx @ 1515149 @ @ 1
One Hour Forward
1 Turn on the main switch of the tester by holding the power-on key down and
waiting until the left-hand pointer (small measurement range 0-8 kN) moves to
3.2 (kN) Now release the power-on key.
2 Press the Start key twice so that the pointer moves to 4.2 (kN) (small
measurement range left).
3 Now press the Return key (
or *) on the remote control.
4 The clock has now been put one hour forward. As confirmation the customer
header is printed out with the new time.
5 Switch the main switch off and on again. Now the tester is ready for operation
with the new time.
One Hour Back
1 Turn on the main switch of the tester by holding the power-on key down and
waiting until the left-hand pointer (small measurement range 0-8 kN) moves to
3.2 (kN). Now release the power-on key.
2 Press the start key three times so that the pointer moves to 4.4 (kN) (small
measurement range left).
3 Now press the Return key (
or *) on the remote control.
4 The clock has now been put one hour back. As confirmation the customer
header is printed out with the new time.
5 Switch the main switch off and on again. Now the tester is ready for operation
with the new time.
The changeover only takes place on the control PCB and is not shown on the
simultaneous display.
Pos: 134 /-----Format- ----/MANUE LLE R UMBRUCH Seitenumbruch @ 0\mod_ 1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1