Pos: 99 / Technische Dokumentation/Alle Geräte/Überschriften/ Überschriften 1.1/P/Überschrift 1.1: P KW- Prüfstand m it MAH-DOT und IFB @ 21\mod_ 1277880674661_75.d ocx @ 862013 @ 2 @ 1
Car Brake Tester with MAH-DOT and IFB
Pos: 100 /Technis che Dok umentation/ Bremsprüftechnik/M BT- SERIES/ 022301 MBT LON/BA/I nhalt: 0223 MAH- DO T P latine ( Bild)2 @ 40\mod_ 1415015205466_ 0.d ocx @ 2139091 @ @ 1
Pos: 101 /Technis che Dok umentation/ Bremsprüftechnik/M BT- SERIES/ 022301 MBT LON/BA/I nhalt: 0223 Bedienung PKW MAH- DO T und I FB (Tex t) 3 @ 41\mod_ 1418718037351_75.d ocx @ 2174958 @ @ 1
1 Drive onto roller set.
2 Press star key (M) for pointer stop.
3 Brake until slip or max. brake force.
4 Storage with keys F9 to F11.
Front axle: F9 (I)
Parking brake: F10 (J)
Rear axle: F11 (K)
5 After testing, an auto OFF must be done. F12 (L) (not required with PC program
6 Use F7 (G) to start the print menu.
7 Enter the number of the print program, 1 or 2 and confirm with star (M) (not
required with PC program LON BASIC).
An ovality measurement can be started with F4 (D).
Re-display of the measurement values with F9 to F11.
Re-display of the side-slip tester with Shift + Axle key F9 (I).
Re-display of the shock absorber with Shift + Axle key F10 (J).
Differential display of the brake force is numerical and via the LED bar.
New vehicle (NEW) with pound key (N) and star (M). (Delete all test values).
Pos: 102 /Technis che Dok umentation/ Bremsprüftechnik/M BT- SERIES/ 022301 MBT LON/BA/I nhalt: 0223 Info PKW MAH- DOT und IFB @ 41\m od_1418720449557_ 75.docx @ 2175004 @ @ 1
If there is a side-slip tester, shock absorber tester or both, it is necessary after the
Auto OFF procedure to set up a new vehicle (NEW). If not, then the measurement
values from the previous vehicle are still active.
Pos: 103 /Technis che Dok umentation/ Bremsprüftechnik/M BT- SERIES/ 022301 MBT LON/BA/I nhalt: 0223 Prüfs tand ohne Waage PKW2 @ 41\mod_ 1418722375130_75.d ocx @ 2175057 @ @ 1
Brake Tester without Weighing Machine
With brake testers w/o weighing machine the vehicle weight must be entered after
the Auto OFF. The axle symbol changes constantly with the weight unit.
The weight entry is done directly via the numerical keypad of the remote control
and is confirmed with the star key (*). The left analog display runs synchronously
with the weight entry. Example: Entry of 1580 kilogram total weight.
Enter 1 5 8 0 on the keypad and confirm with the star (*) key.
Pos: 104 /-----Format- ----/MANUE LLE R UMBRUCH Seitenumbruch @ 0\mod_ 1134403577687_0.docx @ 1277 @ @ 1