2006 Magnum Energy Inc
Charge Mode (not available on all models)
Some MM Series models are equipped with a multistage battery charger
feature. This includes an automatic 4-stage charging process: Bulk,
Absorb, Float and Full Charge; and a manual charge stage: Equalization
(the ME-RC50 is required to enable Equalization charge).
The automatic
4-stage charge process provides complete recharging and monitoring of
the batteries without damage due to overcharging.
C o n s ta n t
C u r r e n t
R e d u c e d
C u r r e n t
R e d u c e d
V o lt a g e
B u lk v o lt s
‘A d j
C h a r g e
R a te ’
S e t tin g
I n c r e a s e d
V o lt a g e
C o n s ta n t
V o lta g e
M o n ito r e d
V o lt a g e
N o C u r r e n t
T im e
F lo a t
v o lt s
M o n ito r e d
C u r r e n t
A b s o r b T im e
( d e t e r m in e d b y
t h e ‘A d j B a t t
A m p H r s ’ s e t t in g )
B u lk
C h a r g in g
A b s o r b
C h a r g in g
F lo a t
C h a r g in g
V o lt a g e
C u r r e n t
F u ll
C h a r g e
G o e s t o F u ll
C h a r g e a ft e r 4
h o u r s in F lo a t
C h a r g e
B u lk a n d F lo a t v o lt a g e s e t t in g s a r e
d e t e r m in e d b y t h e ‘B a t t e r y T y p e ’ s e le c t io n
Figure 12, Automatic 4-Stage Charging Graph
Protection Mode
The inverter is protected against five fault conditions and in normal
usage it will be rare to see any. If there is a situation the inverter can’t
handle, then it will shut down and attempt to protect itself, the battery
bank, and your appliances. If there is a condition that causes one of the
following five faults to be enabled, refer to the Troubleshooting section
to diagnose and clear the fault.
• Low Battery - Whenever the battery voltage falls to a low level (10
VDC, default setting) for more than one minute, the inverter will shut
down to protect the batteries from being over-discharged.
• High Battery - In the event the battery voltage exceeds a high
voltage level (15.5 VDC), the inverter will automatically shut down -
along with all connected loads - to protect the loads from unregulated
AC output voltage.
• Overload - While inverting, the AC and DC sides are monitoring the
current levels. In the event of a short-circuit or overload condition, the
inverter will shut down.
• Over-temperature - If internal power components begin to exceed
their safe operating temperature level, the inverter will shut down to
protect itself from damage.
• Internal Fault - The inverter continually monitors several internal
components and the processor communications. If an condition occurs
that does not allow proper internal operation, the inverter will shut-
down to protect itself and the connected loads.
3.0 Operation