Pedestrian Pivot Barrier
MPP-112 / MPP-122 / MPP-132 / MPP-212 / MPP-222
Start-up and operation
5817,0016EN / Version 00
10.5.6 Impulse operation in both directions without impulse storage
The two inputs IN2 "opening impulse passage left" and IN3
"opening impulse passage right" are used to clear passage in the
corresponding direction for one passage each. The impulse must
be present between 0.2 and 1 sec.
When one of the two impulse inputs was activated by a requesting
impulse, the hold-open time starts to run off. Within this hold-open
time, passage must be commenced. After the hold-open time has
expired, the passage is blocked again in this direction.
When the blocking element is moved by more than approx. 3° in
the cleared direction, the hold-open time is deleted immediately.
Then it is no longer possible to return the blocking element in the
other direction.
In this operating type, a request for a passage in the opposite
direction is ignored while the pedestrian pivot barrier is still cleared
in the other direction. Only when the blocking element is back in
one of the end positions and the hold-open time has expired can a
new opening pulse be processed.
The relay outputs 3 "Display passage clear left" and 4 "display
passage clear right" serve to control signal lamps to signal free and
locked passage directions. Additionally, these outputs enable
mutual locking of the request generators, such as card readers.
The request generator must be equipped with a lock input for this.
The request impulses from both directions must not occur at the
same time or within approx 0.1 s.