4.5.3. System reset command
Command code: RST
Command body: None
Will reset the entire system, ceasing any current activity of the M3 system and initiate a warm boot sequence. Any
playing messages will be stopped immediately.
Example: RST <CR>, will initiate the system reset function
Command response: <Start-up banner>
4.5.4. Initiate Upload File (Read from M3)
Command code: ULD
Command body: <Filename>
Files can be read from the memory card. The process is initiated using this command, which after received, places
the system into a mode awaiting the start of a Y Modem upload process. The actual data transfer is handled using
this serial transfer protocol.
The filename provided must match the name of the file to be uploaded.
Special Case: If the ULD command is followed by just a number, the system will assume the file to be downloaded
is a snippet and will initiate the download of the snippet number.
Example: ULD 1.mp3 <CR>, will initiate the uploading of 1.mp3 from the M3 to the computer.
Command response: Begin Y-Modem Upload
4.5.5. Initiate download file (Write to the M3)
Command code: DLD
Command body: <Filename>
Files can be written to the memory card. The process is initiated using this command, which after received, places
the system into a mode awaiting the start of a Y Modem download process. The actual data transfer is handled
using this serial transfer protocol.
Special Case: If the DLD command is followed by just a number, the system will assume the file to be uploaded is
a snippet and will initiate the upload of the snippet number.
Example: DLD 1.mp3 <CR>, will initiate the downloading of 1.mp3 to the M3 memory
Command response: Begin Y-Modem download
4.5.6. Delete file
Command code: DEL
Command body: <Filename>
Files on the card can be deleted remotely. By sending this command along with a valid filename will cause the
system to delete the corresponding file on the memory card. Once the file is deleted there is no way to undelete the
Special Case: If the DEL command is followed by just a number, the system will assume the file to be uploaded is
a snippet and will initiate the upload of the snippet number.
Example: DEL 1.mp3 <CR>, will delete 1.mp3
Command response: 1.mp3 deleted
If the file specified does not exist, the system will output: “Message does not exist, please re-enter”, no file will be
M3 User's Manual V 1.0 Revised 13, Sept 2011
Page 16