M3.2 Enhanced Configuration and Features:
The M3.2 offers all the configuration and features of the base system with 10 additional start inputs.
Contacts 11 - 20 are located above 1 - 10.
2.5.1. Remote Control, 11 - 20:
12 position pluggable terminal strip. Use for remote control start of
message playback and stopping messages.
Connect to common to stop message playback
Start 11 Connect to common for message 11 playback
Start 12 Connect to common for message 12 playback
Start 13 Connect to common for message 13 playback
Start 14 Connect to common for message 14 playback
Start 15 Connect to common for message 15 playback
Start 16 Connect to common for message 16 playback
Start 17 Connect to common for message 17 playback
Start 18 Connect to common for message 18 playback
Start 19 Connect to common for message 19 playback
Start 20 Connect to common for message 20 playback
Connecting any input to common activates the function
The Stop and Common inputs are parallel to the corresponding inputs on the 1 - 10 connector.
The M3 unit can use audio files that are formatted as either *.WAV (44.1kHz, 16 bit) or *.MP3 (44.1kHz, 32-320 kbps,
Messages may be mono, or stereo. Mono messages will play the same data through both left and right side.
Message lengths can be any size from a couple seconds to several hours.
Audio files must be named numerically as shown below:
1.mp3 or 1.wav will be placed in message position 1, and is controlled by Start Input 1.
2.mp3 or 2.wav will be placed in message position 2, and is controlled by Start Input 2.
3.mp3 or 3.wav will be placed in message position 3, and is controlled by Start Input 3.
4.mp3 or 4.wav will be placed in message position 4, and is controlled by Start Input 4.
Etc., etc.
If the card has two files with the same name, but different suffix, the MP3 file will play and the WAV file will be ignored.
M3 User's Manual V 1.0 Revised 13, Sept 2011
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