Display Message Listing
Command code: DIR
Command body: None
Displays the list of messages programmed on the internal memory card:
The response will be formatted in the following way:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 xx xx 30
dd dd 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
If a message number doesn’t exist, the location will be marked with “x”s.
If a message has been disabled the location will be marked with “d”s.
The system will insert a blank line every 100 messages. The system will display the entire listing without pauses,
as the user can scroll back to see the data within their Terminal program.
Example: DIR <CR>, will display the message directory listing
Command response: <See above>
Set Time of Day
Command code: TIM
Command body: <a>:<b><c>
“a”, hours, acceptable values: 1 – 12
Default: 12
“b”, minutes, acceptable values: 0 – 59
Default: 00
“c”, am/pm, acceptable values: AM – PM
Default: AM
The time of day is set through the use of this command. The time is formatted as midnight being 12:00AM. If any
parameter is invalid, the command is ignored. A delimiter between hours and minutes is required. This delimiter
can be a “:”, a <space>, or a comma.
Example: TIM 12:59AM<CR> will set the time to 12:59AM
Command response: Time set to 12:59AM
If the user enters “TIM” with out any suffix, the system will respond with the current setting.
Example: TIM <CR>,
Command response: Current time is 01:59AM
If any of the fields are not recognized, the system will output: “Invalid value, please re-enter”, and the command will
be ignored.
Set Date
Command code: DTE
Command body: <a>,<b>,<c> - 4 bytes
“a”, day, acceptable values: 1 – 31
Default: 01
“b”, month, acceptable values: 1 – 12
Default: 01
“c”, year, acceptable values: 2000 – 2099
Default: 2000
The date is set through the use of this command. There are 3 fields that are part of this command. The system
will validate that the day within the month is valid based on the year. If any parameter is invalid, the command is
ignored. A delimiter between the Day, Month and Year is required. The delimiter can be a “:”, <space>, or comma.
Example: DTE 10,12,2009 <CR> will set the date to 10 December 2009
Command response: Date set to: 10 December 2009
If the user enters “DTE” with out any suffix, the system will respond with the current setting.
Example: DTE <CR>,
Command response: Current date is Jan 01 2000
If any of the fields are not recognized, the system will output: “Invalid value, please re-enter”, and the command will
be ignored.
M3 User's Manual V 1.0 Revised 13, Sept 2011
Page 21