Format SD Card and Restore Factory Defaults
Command code: SHP
Command body: none
This command will format the entire SD Card, completely erasing the contents of the card. All audio files,
configuration files, and all other files will be permanently and irrevocably deleted. After the card is formatted, the
unit will reset all configurable settings to factory defaults, then reset the system.
Example: SHP <CR>, will format the SD Card and restore all of the settings to their default values
Command response: This command will format the SD Card and reset all configurable settings to
their default value. Are you sure? <y/n>
If the user enters “y”: SD Card Formatted, Default settings loaded, followed by a system reset and the system start
up banner.
If the user enters “n”: SHP Command aborted
Set Delay Before Play
Command code: DLY
Command body: <a>, Delay amount, acceptable values: 0 to 255 (seconds), default value: 0
This command sets the amount of time the system will delay after receiving a remote message trigger prior to
actually playing the message.
This configuration only affects contact closure message triggers. RS232 message triggers are not affected by this
Example: DLY10 <CR>, will set the delay time before a message play to 10 seconds
Command response: Delay time set to 10 seconds
If the user enters “DLY” with out any suffix, the system will respond with the current setting.
Example: DLY <CR>,
Command response: Delay time is set to 0 seconds
If the delay amount field is not recognized, the system will output: “Invalid value, please re-enter”, and the
command will be ignored.
Set Pause Between Plays
Command code: PAS
Command body: <a>, Pause amount, acceptable values: 0 to +/-99 (seconds), default value: 0
(+, or nothing = seconds, - = minutes)
This command sets the amount of pause time the system will add between the repeats of message playback.
This configuration only affects contact closure message triggers. RS232 message triggers are not affected by this
Example: PAS10 <CR>, will set the Pause time between plays to 10 seconds
Command response: Pause time set to 10 seconds
Should system display a status/countdown message while the Pause time is counting down? <no>
If the user enters “PAS” with out any suffix, the system will respond with the current setting.
Example: PAS <CR>,
Command response: Pause time is set to 0 seconds
If the Pause amount field is not recognized, the system will output: “Invalid value, please re-enter”, and the
command will be ignored.
M3 User's Manual V 1.0 Revised 13, Sept 2011
Page 18