RS232 Command Syntax
4.5.1. Play snippet command
Command code: PLY(I)
Command body: <a>, <b>, <c>, <d>
“a”, snippet #, where <a> can range from 1 to 9,999 decimal
acceptable values: 1, 2, 3 (3=Both CH)
“c”, # of plays, acceptable values: 1-99
“d”, pause amount, acceptable values: 0 to +/-99
(+, or nothing = seconds, - = minutes)
This plays an individual snippet from memory. This command will play snippet <a>, through channel <b>, <c>
times, with a <d> pause between plays. Whenever a message is playing through a particular channel, another
message cannot be played through that channel.
If no <a> field is provided, the system will ignore the command
If no <b> field is provided, the system will play the message through channel 1
If no <c> field is provided, the system will play the message one time
If no <d> field is provided, there will be a 1 second delay between repeats.
Example: A PLY20,1<CR> command will: Play snippet 20, through channel 1, 1 time, pause: n/a
Example: A PLY20,1,2<CR> command will: Play snippet 20, through channel 1, 2 times, with no pause between
Example: A PLY20,1,2,10<CR> command will: Play snippet 20, through channel 1, 2 times, with a 10 second
pause between the repeats.
Example: A PLY20,1,2,-10<CR> command will: Play snippet 20, through channel 1, 2 times, with a 10 minute
pause between the repeats.
If a play snippet command is received while another message is currently playing on the specified channel,
depending on the operating mode of the unit, the system may queue, or ignore the incoming message. Reference
the Operating Mode documentation for more details.
The PLY command can be suffixed with “ I ”, making the command “ PLYI ”. When this command is issued to a
particular channel, any currently playing message will be halted, and the snippet specified in this command played
immediately. Once this snippet has completed, the interrupted message will be played.
Command response:
If accepted: Snippet <a>, playing on Ch <b>, <c> times, <d> pause
If ignored: NAK – Message Ignored.
End of play response:
Done playing on Ch <b>
If the data entered in any of the fields is not recognized, the system will output: “Invalid value, please re-enter”, and
the command will be ignored.
4.5.2. Stop command
Command code: STP<a><ALL>
Command body: <a>, channel #, acceptable values: 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 (0x03 = Both CH)
This command will stop the currently playing message on the selected channel number. If nothing is currently
playing on the channel number selected, this command will have no effect. If multiple messages are in queue, the
message playing will be stopped, and the next message will be played.
If no <a> field is provided, the system will stop the current message playing on both channels.
The STP command can be suffixed with “ALL”, making the command “STPALL”. When this command is issued to
a particular channel, the playing message will be stopped, and the queue will be purged.
Example: STP1<CR>, will stop the currently playing message on channel 1
Command response: Channel <a> stopped
Example: STPALL<CR>, will stop the playing message on Channel 1 and 2 and clear the queue
Command response:
Channel 1 stopped
Channel 2 stopped
If the Channel# field is not recognized, the system will output: “Invalid value, please re-enter”, and the command will
be ignored.
M3 User's Manual V 1.0 Revised 13, Sept 2011
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