Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 25A Ferroresonant Rectifier J85502A-1
7 - 10 Troubleshooting and Adjustments
Issue 4 May 1998
2. Adjust the test load to 27.5A, 10 percent, or more, above
the rectifier's current rating. Read the load current on the
OUTPUT meter.
3. Adjust the OUTPUT VOLTS ADJ potentiometer to
obtain a rectifier voltage of 27.5 ±0.2 volt (24-volt
rectifier) or 55.0 ±0.2 volt (48-volt rectifier). Hold the
meter selector switch in the RECT V position and read the
voltage on the meter.
4. Using a jeweler's screwdriver, rotate potentiometer R23 on
CM2 (205A1) control board until the rectifier shuts down.
5. Turn the rectifier POWER switch Off.
6. Turn the DC OUTPUT circuit breaker Off (down).
7. At the ac service panel supplying power to the rectifier,
remove the input fuse assigned to the rectifier or turn the
circuit breaker Off.
8. Disconnect the test load from the output terminals of the
9. Reconnect the + and – output leads to TB3 in the rectifier.
10. Remove the tape and reconnect the rectifier's ground
output lead to the plant charge ground bus bar.
11. Remove the tape and reconnect the rectifier's “hot” output
lead to the plant charge bus bar.
12. Restore the rectifier to service (instructions below).
Adjust Current
The DC OUTPUT circuit breaker must be closed (On) in order
to adjust the current limit either on or off line. If you want to
adjust the current limit off line, the rectifier must be
disconnected from battery as described in Section 6, “Test Load
Connection,” rather than “Removing a Rectifier from Service”
in this section.
Off Line Adjustment: Use the “Current Limit Test (Off Line),”
Section 6, to verify that the current limit circuit needs
adjustment, before continuing with this procedure.