Lucent Technologies -48V CPS4000/CPS4000 PLUS Cabinet Power System
Issue 13 December 2000
Product Description 2 - 7
Control Units, continued
ES646, ES646B,
All Monitor and Control Units (MCU) provide plant monitoring, display
and control features, and office alarm outputs. The difference between
MCUs is the alarm scheme and how the alarms are presented to the
user. This difference in alarm schemes is summarized in Table 7-H.
All MCUs offer the following features:
Digital meter that displays plant rectifier voltage or current
Green, yellow, and red LEDs that display plant status
Form-C office alarms corresponding to the alarm indicators
Customer-accessible encoder or potentiometer to adjust the plant
Alarm monitor circuit that determines the status of installed
rectifiers and converters and incorporates this information into
plant power minor or power major alarms
LED test switch that activates all plant LEDs
Capability of remote On/Standby control that is “passed-on” to
installed power modules
Capability for a customer-provided Plant Battery Test (PBT), which
sets the rectifier output voltage to approximately -48V for battery
testing, allowing the batteries to be discharged without affecting
plant load
MCUs Only
Option to boost charge the batteries after the plant has experienced
a battery on discharge event
Local control available via RS-232 or RS-485 connections
Remote access via an external modem
Features and functionality are identical to the ES648B MCU.
Remote access is available via an internal modem supporting an
RJ-11 telephone line connector.