Lucent Technologies -48V CPS4000/CPS4000 PLUS Cabinet Power System
1 - 4 Introduction
Issue 13 December 2000
CPS4000 PLUS, continued
Table 1-A: CPS4000 PLUS Enhancements
CPS4000 PLUS Enhancements
Product Description
Complete form/fit/function
compatibility with deployed base of
Provides extended life of current CPS4000 product
Operating temperature range of
-40°C to +75°C (-40°F to 167°F)
Provides continuous full power operation of the system over
the outside plant temperature range of -40°C to +65°C (-40°F
to 149°F), with excursions to +75°C (167°F)
Low temperature compensation
below 25°C (77°F)
Increases battery float voltage as an inverse function of battery
temperature over the temperature range of -40°C to +75°C
(-40°F to 167°F)
EN55022, Class “B” compliance
Allows for greater flexibility in the selection of installation
sites, including customer premise locations
CE Marking for LVD and EMC
Demonstrates safety and EMC compliance to European market
Rectifier power increase to 15
amperes at 48 volts
Provides full power utilization of CPS shelf
Control unit operational from low
24-volt input to high level 48-volt
A single Monitor and Control Unit (MCU) operating at either
24 volts or 48 volts
Boost charge capability (option)
For rapid battery charging
Remote access and control
capability (option)
Option to allow for dial-up access to CPS plant to report and
access alarm conditions, monitor and/or adjust plant voltage
and current, determine condition of system battery and control
generator exercising
Rectifier efficiency improvement
Improvement of rectifier efficiency from 87% (typical) to
88.5% will help the using systems to manage thermal
Retrofitability of new control
functions (option)
Allows for the following new control functions into existing
deployed base of CPS system:
remote access and control
boost charging only with new rectifiers
External equipment initiation
Option to allow the capability to initiate equipment start-up or
activation via remote access