Lucent Technologies -48V CPS4000/CPS4000 PLUS Cabinet Power System
3 - 10 Engineering and Ordering
Issue 13 December 2000
Ordering Information, continued
Table 3-A Notes,
2. Shelf assemblies (Lists 1 - 4) provide keying functions to prevent
insertion of incompatible power units. Select the appropriate list for
your application.
3. Input assemblies (Lists 21 - 26) provide connection points for ac
input to rectifiers, office alarm outputs, intershelf jumper, and
control unit plug-in slot. List with a “B” suffix are identical to the
numbered list except that they have no office alarm outputs and are
intended for use as supplemental shelves.
4. Shelves equipped with the following lists are UL Listed: Lists 21,
21B, 23, 23B, 26, and 26B. Shelves equipped with Lists 22, 22B,
25, 25B, 25R, and 25RB are UL Recognized only when factory
wired and mounted in enclosed equipment cabinets where
installation and mounting are evaluated as part of the end product.
5. Output assemblies (Lists 31 - 36) provide connection points for
batteries, primary and secondary outputs, and thermal probes. Some
are equipped with low-voltage disconnect contactors.
6. The low-voltage disconnect feature requires an output list equipped
with contactor and an LVD/thermal management board. Lists 35
and 36 include a BSP2 or BSP2C board for LVD/slope thermal
compensation. The factory default setting for LVD is 42.5 volts.
7. The battery thermal management feature can accommodate, via
direct connections to shelf J10-J13, a maximum of four (4)
thermistor probe assemblies. In multiple shelf plants, the probe
assemblies must be connected to the initial shelf.
8. If more than four thermal probe monitoring points are required, a
210E Thermal Probe Multiplexer (TPM) is capable of monitoring
up to 8 thermal probes. The TPM uses the same thermal probe that
is currently being supplied with the CPS for thermal compensation.
The TPM polls the 8 thermal probes on the input and provides the
highest temperature probe to the output electrically. The output of
the TPM mimics a thermal probe to the CPS. To the CPS, the TPM
looks like a standard thermal probe electrically.