Lucent Technologies -48V CPS4000/CPS4000 PLUS Cabinet Power System
1 - 2 Introduction
Issue 13 December 2000
-48 Volt Cabinet Power System, continued
CPS fits digital loop carrier, remote switch, fiber in the loop, cable
television cabinets, Intelligent Vehicle Highway System (IVHS),
Personal Communications Service (PCS), cellular, and customer
premises applications.
Shelf Design
The shelf design provides a platform that accepts plug-in modules,
which simplifies plant assembly and repair. This plug-in design also
permits growth of plant capacity and easy maintenance without
interruption of service. Keying prevents insertion of incompatible
The -48V CPS plant provides the facilities to combine rectifiers, 48/24V
converters, ringing generators, a control unit, a low-voltage battery
disconnect feature, battery protection circuits, and input and output
distribution in a single shelf.
A control unit is included in a single-shelf plant or in the initial shelf of
a two-shelf plant. The control unit provides monitoring, display and
control features, and office alarm outputs.
The -48V CPS is available in four configurations:
A rectifier plant capable of providing -48V power within the load
range of zero to 75 amperes in a one-shelf plant or zero to 150
amperes in a two-shelf plant
A rectifier/ringer plant in which -48V rectifiers can provide load
power and power to operate 50/100 VA ringers
A rectifier/converter plant in which -48V rectifiers can provide load
power and power to operate converters capable of providing 24
volts at 25 amperes per converter or 130 volts at 4 amperes per
A converter plant that is powered from an external -48V source