smoking, no fire”, signs should be visibly hung.
Near medical oxygen equipment and accessories avoid sparks gener
ated by static electricity (through friction).
Adjust the oxygen flow
Adjust the flow of the oxygen source and ensure that the oxygen
concentration shown on the display of the high-flow device corresponds
to the required values. The FiO2 can be controlled automatically when
using the LM Flow 100.
The oxygen concentration must be within the preset range of the alarm
parameters for the oxygen concentration, otherwise an alarm will
Note to the reader:
The gas inhaled by the patient may be below the monitored value due
to dilution by air.
Put on the nasal cannula correctly and start the treatment.
If the external power supply is interrupted during treatment, an alarm
sounds (press the mute button to switch off the alarm). In this case, the
user must immediately shut off the oxygen source, remove the nasal
cannula, check the power supply, and do not continue to use the high-
flow device until the fault has been rectified.
Press and hold the mute button for 3 seconds in standby, warm up or
active mode so that the high-flow device switches to transport mode
and the hoses and water chamber are no longer in warm up mode. The
high-flow device switches back to warm up mode 20 minutes later. The
device flow remains unchanged during transport mode.
End of therapy
When you end therapy with the high-flow device, remove the nasal can
nula, shut off the oxygen source first, then disconnect the oxygen hose
from the high-flow device. Press the Start/Stop button for 3 seconds.
The high-flow unit then switches to the drying mode, in which the hoses
are dried. The drying mode runs for 99 minutes. The high-flow device
then switches to standby mode. If the drying mode is to be switched off
earlier, press the Start/Stop button for at least 3 seconds.