If the high-flow device sends an alarm because the set flow value is
not reached, this may be because the nasal cannula model is not suit-
able. In this case, it must be replaced with a larger nasal cannula. It is
recommended that the NAS-1 S model be used when the flow is less
than 50 L / min or the NAC-1 M model when the flow is less than 60 L /
Do not set the parameters without the instruction of your attending
physician and use this high-flow device only under the supervision of a
Incorrect alarm threshold settings can lead to false alarms.
Press the Start/Stop button for 3 seconds to start the high-flow device.
The screen shows “Preheating” and the high-flow device begins to
warm up. Immediately afterwards
the displayed flow and dew point
values increase. When the set
values are reached, the display
value remains unchanged.
The word "Active" then appears
after warm up.
Make sure that the high-flow device is already started when you con
nect oxygen.
Oxygen may only be connected to the oxygen inlet of the high-flow
device itself. Make sure that the oxygen hose, air inlet cover, filter,
and power plug are properly installed. Before ending the therapy, first
shut off the oxygen source, then disconnect the oxygen hose and only
switch the high-flow device to standby mode when the oxygen con
centration in the high-flow device has returned to the ambient level
(21 vol%).
When the high-flow device is not in use, make sure that the oxygen
source is shut off to prevent oxygen accumulation in the device.
To avoid the risk of fire, special precautions must be taken during oxy
gen therapy. The high-flow device must not be located near sources of
fire or smoke.
The high-flow device should be installed in a well-ventilated place.
For safety reasons all ignition materials should be kept away from
oxygen and should not be stored in the same room with oxygen. “No