1.5 Product Description
1.5.1 Front and Right Side View of the LUNA-II
The front of the LUNA-II
has a wide touchscreen, a power button, a counting slide port to insert LUNA
Cell Counting
Slides or the LUNA
Reusable Slide, and a USB port for easy data transfer. The right side of the LUNA-II
has a built-in
printer (L40001 models only), allowing the user to print results immediately.
1.5.2 Rear View of the LUNA-II
The rear of the LUNA-II
has two additional USB ports and a power inlet to connect the instrument to an electrical outlet.
1.6 General Guidelines
Follow the instructions below to obtain the best results with the LUNA-II
Automated Cell Counter.
Hold slides by the edges to avoid touching the optical surface. Take care that the optical surfaces of the slide do not
become smudged, damaged, or contaminated.
When staining cells with trypan blue, perform cell counting within three minutes of mixing samples for accurate cell
viability measurements. If necessary, count your sample twice (duplicate readings) and take an average. Otherwise,
use Erythrosin B for an alternative that is less toxic to your cells.
As the LUNA-II
is calibrated before shipping, recalibration before use is not necessary. See Section 2.3.5: Settings:
Background Calibration to see when background calibration is necessary.