A summary of each count performed is automatically saved to the LUNA-II
stores up to 1000 counts onboard.
Alternatively, press
The printed report will contain the cell count results and protocol details.
Cell Count Report
File name: HL60
Date: 16 Apr., 2017 14:35
Cell count results
[Total]: 1.04x10e6 cells/mL
[Live]: 9.73x10e5 cells/mL
[Dead]: 6.62x10e4 cells/mL
Viability: 93.6 %
Avg. size: 16.5 µm
Total #: 251 cells
Live #: 235 cells
Dead #: 16 cells
Dil. Factor: 2
Protocol name: DEFAULT
Noise reduction: 5
Live cell sensitivity: 1
Roundness: 60
Min. cell size: 3
Max. cell size: 60
Size gating: 3 ~ 60 µm