Document No. M017-7500.004
Oakdale, MN, USA www.lionprecision.com 651-484-6544
Final Positioning of index Probe
Turn spindle so the Index Collar strip is away from the Index Probe. Use probe spacer to set
Index Probe gap. Slowly rotate spindle once around to confirm Index signal is active then
tighten Index Probe.
Click Done on screen.
Measurements can be made individually, or the Measure Machine Sequence or Crash Test
Sequence can guide you quickly through an entire machine measurement.
Measurement Types
Reports and on-screen displays can be filtered by the measurement type. Measurements can be
saved as one of three different types:
Measurements made on a periodic basis to track the machine’s performance over time.
Measurements made while changing conditions in an effort to solve a problem. This often
results in multiple measurements over a short period of time.
Measurements made after a machine crash to determine if the machine’s capabilities
have changed.