Document No. M017-7500.004
Oakdale, MN, USA www.lionprecision.com 651-484-6544
Axis Names
Some measurements read each axis separately (Warm-Up, Vibration, Repeatability, Thermal,
Runout, Position Shift) and report results for the X, Y, and Z axes. Other measurements read the
“radial” axis as a mathematical combination of X and Y (Total Error, Roundness, Roughness) and
report results for the Radial and Axial axes.
Initial Display
When a measurement screen is first displayed it will show the most recent results of that
measurement for the current machine. At the conclusion of a new test run, the screen will
display the just completed test results.
Overall Results Area
The Overall Results Area contains measurement values intended to give an overall picture of the
machine and each axis. “Axis Averages” indicate the condition of individual axes. The
“Combined” value represents the machine overall. The Combined value is always larger than the
values for individual axes.