5.3.2 Users And Groups
The KVM OVER IP SWITCH comes with 2 pre-configured user accounts that have fixed
permissions. The super account has all possible rights to configure the device and to use all
functions. The user account has only the permission to open and use the Remote Console. The
default password for both accounts is pass. Ensure you change the passwords as soon as you
have installed and accessed the KVM OVER IP SWITCH for the first time.
While the user account never sees the following options, the super account can change the
name and password for both accounts.
Existing users
Select an existing user for modification. Once a user has been selected, click the lookup button
to see the user information.
New User name
The new user name for the selected account.
The password for the login name. It must be at least four characters long.
Confirm password
Confirmation of the above password.
5.4 KVM Settings
5.4.1 User Console
The following settings are user specific. This means the super user can customize these
settings for individual users separately. Changing the settings for one user does not affect the
settings for the other users.
User select box
This box displays the user ID for which the values are shown and for which the changes will
take effect. You may change the settings of other users if you have the necessary access rights.
Transmission Encoding
The Transmission Encoding setting allows you to change the image-encoding algorithm that is
used to transmit the video data to the Remote Console window. It is possible to optimize the