5.6.2 Language Selection Menu
Select between the langauges English – French - German
5.6.3 Event Log
Displays the log list including the events that are logged by the KVM OVER IP SWITCH
5.6.4 Update Firmware
The KVM OVER IP SWITCH is a complete standalone computer. The software it runs is called
the firmware. The firmware of the KVM OVER IP SWITCH can be updated remotely in order to
install new functionality or special features.
A new firmware update is a binary file which can be sent to you by email from the Technical
Support team of LINDY.
1. The new firmware file is uploaded to the KVM OVER IP SWITCH. In order to do this you
need to select the file on your local system using the Browse button on the Upload
Firmware panel. Once the firmware file has been uploaded it is checked whether it is a valid
firmware file and whether there were any transmission errors. In case of any error the
Upload Firmware function will be aborted.
Update January 2014: Due to the large size of these upgrade files, this firmware update must
be done in two steps, Step 1 and Step 2. Future updates may again be provided as a single
update file. The January 2014 2-step upgrade must be performed on all units having firmware
older than January 2014! This is a requirement.
2. If everything went well you will see the Update Firmware panel. The panel shows you the
version number of the currently running firmware and the version number of the uploaded
firmware. Pressing the Update button will replace the old version with the new one.
Note: This process is not reversible and may take some minutes. Make sure the KVM over
IP SWITCH’s power supply will not be interrupted during the update process.
The update runs fully automatically and the Login screen will automatically re-open after a
few minutes. Do not interrupt this process.