Subject to modifications
Owner Manual
Technical Description
Page 16 of 36
LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Mode of Operation, continuation
Adjusting of small lubricant outputs
Before the pump element can be adjusted to a small lu-
bricant output, the dimension “S” for max lubrcant output
must be ascertained, and the difference from the nominal
value 29 must be tranferred to any desired settings be-
tween 25.5 ... 28,.5.
Dimension “S” must be adjusted to the desired value in
accordance with the delivery diagramm (Fig. 15, page 15).
At maximum steeing “S” is 29 ±0.1 mm.
Fig. 16
Pressure relief valve
Pressure Relief Valve
Each pump element must be secured with
a pressure limiting valve.
The pressure relief valve
- limits the pressure build-up in the system
- opens at an overpressure of 250 or 350 bar depending
on the safety valve design.
If lubricant is leaking at the pressure relief valve, this indi-
cates that the system is malfunctioning.
Between a malfunction (blockage) and
the following fault indication (lubricant
leakage; monitoring intermittent LED
display on the control p.c.b., SPS) there
may be a longer time delay.
The duration of the delay depends on the
type and length of the lines, the type of
lubricant, the ambient temperature and
other influences.
Despite existing fault monitoring devices a regular visual
and function control must be carried out on the lubrication
Pressure relief valve with grease return (optional)
If the system is blocked, grease will leak from the pressure
relief valve. This grease quantity is returned to the reser-
Fig. 17
Pressure relief valve with grease return