This terminal has a built-in camera that can
shoot photos and videos.
Before Shooting
All photos and videos shot on your terminal
are saved to the internal storage or a microSD
card. You can change the destination to save
from "Storage" of settings (P185, P187).
Copyrights and portrait rights
Avoid copyright infringements when copying or
editing photos and videos that have been shot
on this terminal. You should also avoid infringing
the portrait rights of other people by using or
modifying their portraits without their consent.
Note that the shooting or recording of stage
performances, shows or exhibitions may be
prohibited, even for personal use.
You may get fined according to law, regulation
(nuisance prevention ordinance, etc.) if other
people get disturbed or hurt by any improper
behavior when using this terminal.
Please be considerate of the privacy of
individuals around you when shooting and
sending photos using camera-equipped
mobile phones.