1Seg ………………………………………………… 186
1Seg antenna …………………………………… 42
Program Schedule …………………………… 192
Settings ………………………………………… 195
Using TV Link ………………………………… 194
Viewing ………………………………………… 189
Viewing Reservations ……………………… 193
7notes with mazec-T …………………………… 229
About phone ……………………………………… 159
Accessibility ……………………………………… 157
Access Point ……………………………………… 139
Checking ………………………………………… 139
Initializing ……………………………………… 140
Setting an additional access point ……… 140
Accounts & sync ………………………………… 150
Adapter ……………………………………19, 29, 50
After-Sales Service ……………………………… 255
Alarm / Clock ……………………………………… 218
Setting Alarm ………………………………… 218
Setting the Stopwatch ……………………… 220
Setting the Timer …………………………… 220
Setting the World Clock …………………… 220
Application …………………………………………… 3
Application List ………………………………… 88
Group ……………………………………………… 96
Moving Applications …………………………… 96
Application List …………………………………… 88
Apps ………………………………………………… 147
Area Mail …………………………………………… 128
Backing up Data and Settings ……………… 224
Backing up to SD card ………………………… 224
Backing up ……………………………………… 225
Copying the contacts on
Google account to docomo account …… 226
Open ……………………………………………… 224
Restoring ……………………………………… 225
Backlight ……………………………………………… 53
Backup & reset ………………………………… 155
Battery pack ……………………………………… 269
Appendix / Index