Chapter 10
DND (Do Not Disturb)
When the DND (Do Not Disturb) feature is activated, the phone will
not notify you of an incoming call thus allowing you to work without
interruptions from incoming calls. Depending on the system the
caller will get the busy tone or voice announcement.
Activating DND
1. Press
> System > DND
2. Press to enable DND.
When the function is set, "DO NOT DISTURB" displays on the screen
in standby.
Deactivating DND
1. Press
> System > DND
2. Press to disable DND.
Message Waiting/Call Back
These functions can be used for internal calls when the called party
is busy, no answer or in DND (Do Not Disturb).
Message Waiting
Message waiting allows you to send a message to internal number
asking them to call you.
To send a message:
1. If the called party does not answer.
2. Press navigation key left to select
System > MSG/CallBk
and press .
When choose MSG/CallBk, at this point the call is terminated and
return to the standby mode.