Transmitted light illumination system
The illumination system of the microscope is critical to obtain a contrast and evenly illuminated image of the objects under
the microscope. The illumination system built into the microscope stand base (fig. 1, 12) is arranged according to the Köhler’s
principle in its classic version. The halogen lamp flashlight is installed on the rear wall of the base and is fixed with a screw
(fig. 4, 2). The iris field diaphragm node is located on the stand base under the condenser (fig. 1, 22), the diaphragm opening is
adjusted with a ring (fig. 1, 23).
The condenser (fig. 1, 22) is used to focus the field diaphragm image in the slide plane.
The illuminator is turned on with the help of a switch (fig. 1, 18) in position "I". The lamp brightness may be varied by rotation of
the lamp filament adjustment knob (fig. 1, 17). The lamp is energized through a power supply source built into the microscope
stand base.
The halogen lamp installation in the flashlight is shown in fig. 4. To access the lamp holder, it is necessary to unscrew the
screw (fig. 1, 28) and to extend the cover (fig. 4, 5). To install the cover (fig. 4, 5) on the flashlight, it is necessary to take
fixators (fig. 4, 6) behind the flashlight casing.
Bright-field condenser
An Abbe condenser (fig. 1, 22) is included in the microscope package for operation in the bright field. The condenser is installed
into a bracket (fig. 3, 3) under the microscope stage and is fixed with a screw (fig. 1, 24).
An iris aperture diaphragm, diameter of which is adjusted with a knob (fig. 3, 1) changes aperture of the cone of rays
illuminating the slide. A scale is applied onto the condenser frame, which makes it possible to reproduce illumination conditions
selected for every objective lens — knob positions (fig. 3, 1).
There is an option to exclude the condenser frontal objective lens from the path of rays with the knob (fig. 3, 4) when working
with low magnification objective lenses. Screws (fig. 3, 2) serve to align the field diaphragm image by displacement of the
condenser in the horizontal plane. Condenser displacement along the optical axis of the microscope when focusing the field
diaphragm image is carried out with the knob (fig. 3, 5).
Condenser aperture diaphragm opening
adjustment knob
Condenser alignment screws
Condenser bracket
Condenser frontal objective lens switching
Condenser vertical displacement knob
Fig. 3: Condenser
Cap clamping seat
Flashlight clamping knob
Halogen lamp holder
Halogen lamp
Flashlight detachable cap
Cap clamping screw
Fig. 4: Halogen lamp flashlight