Dialling in/ Remote access
There are two ways of remote access: <with PIN-Code protection> or
<without PIN-Code> accordi ng to sel ected profile.
Dialling in/ Remote access without PIN-Code
Dial phone number of EXICALL® EN70. After selected ringi ng-cycl es
EXICALL® E N70 answ ers call and changes to hands-free connection. This
change will be signalled by three gongs and the green “Speak”-Symbol
(EN81-70). So a person i nside the cabi n will be informed about the
established hands-free connection.
Dialling in/ Remote access using PIN-Code
Dial number of EXICALL® EN70. After selected ringing-cycles
EXICALL® EN70 answers call and asks for PIN (Def ault = 0000). If th e
correct PIN-Code is entered, EXICALL® EN70 changes to service-mode
where the microphone and speaker remain i nactive followed by th e
announcement “to stop press 0, to speak press 1”.
With key
. you can change to hands-free-connection. This change will be
signalled by three gongs and the green “Speak”-Symbol (EN81-70). So a
person i nside the cabin will be i nformed about the establi shed hands-free
Dialling in/ Remote access: Special mode: Two step dialling i n
Dial phone number of EXICALL® EN70. Let it ring two times and hang-up.
Wait for 20 seconds and re-dial phone number. After sel ected ringi ng-cycles
P.26 EXICALL® EN70 answers call!
Dialling in/ Remote access: Special mode in case of power loss
In case of a power loss on supply terminal EXICALL® EN70 answ ers call