TLT830WA Product Manual
3.2 Electrical Diagram
l o w e r in g
v a l ve I
t i m e
re l a y
e l e c tr i c
r e l a y
A C 2 0 0 V / 2 2 0 V / 3 8 0 V
s m a ll a ir
c y l i nd e r
v a l ve I
l o w e r in g
v a l v e I I
s m a ll e r
c y l i n de r
v a l v e I I
3 8 0
L 1
2 7
22 0V
SA 2
L 1
AC 11 0V/ 22 0V 1P H
K M - c on t a c t or
H - b u zz e r
Y A - e le c t r o n m a g ne t i c v a l v e
b u z z e r
el ec tri c
r el ay
di re ct io nal
v al ve II
Bi -
d ir ec tio na l
va lve I
Fig 2
Big scissor lifting procedure: turn the switch
When the UP button SB1 is pressed
the contactor KM will close. The motor will drive the pump and send oil to the cylinder. Main two-way solenoid
valve YA2 coil pick-up, which will in turn raise the platform upward
Once the UP button SB1 is released,
contactor KM will be open and the power to the motor will be cut off to stop the platform. Keep pushing button
SB1; the platform will reach a position so that limit switch SQ1 is triggered. Then SQ will open to stop the
motor and the platform to protect the machine from damaged.
Safety procedure
Release button SB1 when the platform reaches a desired height and press SAFETY
LOCK button SB3 to actuate lowering solenoid valve YA1 and the safety ratchet will be engaged by lowering.
Before servicing the car, make sure the safety lock is functional.
Big scissor lower procedure
After service is completed, push the UP button SB2, time contactor KT and
contactor KM will close. The motor will drive the pump to send oil to the cylinder, Main two-way solenoid
valve YA2 coil pick-up, which will in turn push the platform upward 2 seconds (adjustable) to release the safety
ratchet. Meanwhile small YA3 air cylinder valve electrical connection is established, the safety cover is fully
open. After 2 seconds contactor KT will open. The motor and the platform will stop. And at the same time,
lowering solenoid valve YA1 begins to work so that the platform will start to go down (See Figure 2)
Small scissor lifting procedure
turn the switch to
When the UP button SB1 is pressed the
contactor KM will close. Auxiliary two-way solenoid valve YA5 coil pick-up
which will in turn raise the platform
Once the UP button SB1 is released, contactor KM will be open and the power to the motor will be cut
off to stop the platform. Keep pushing button SB1; the platform will reach a position so that limit switch SQ1 is
triggered. Then SQ will open to stop the motor and the platform to protect the machine from damaged.
Safety procedure
Release button SB1 when the platform reaches a desired height and press SAFETY
LOCK button SB3 to actuate lowering solenoid valve YA4 and the safety ratchet will be engaged by lowering.
Before servicing the car, make sure the safety lock is functional.
Small scissor lowering procedure
Push the UP button SB2, time contactor KT and contactor KM will close.
The motor will drive the pump to send oil to the cylinder, auxiliary two-way solenoid valve YA5 coil pick-up,
which will in turn push the platform upward 2 seconds (adjustable) to release the safety ratchet. Meanwhile
small YA6 air cylinder valve electrical connection is established, the safety cover is fully open. After 2 seconds
contactor KT will open. The motor and the platform will stop. And at the same time, lowering solenoid valve
YA4 begins to work so that the platform will start to go down (See Figure 2).
Stop procedure: Press stop button SB4 when needed.