Manure spreader MKL
the manure spreader is attached to the tractor, the supporting device is reinstalled into the horizontal
position and fixed with a pin.
4.5 Hydraulic tailgate lifting mechanism
The hydraulic tailgate lifting mechanism raises the tailgate. It is lowered by releasing pressure in the
system (the force of the weight of the gate squeezes oil from the hydraulic cylinder), or forcedly. Power to
the hydraulic tailgate lifting mechanism is supplied from the hydraulic system of the tractor (Fig. 4.3).
Fig. 4.3. The general hydraulic diagram of the manure spreader. 1 - chain transporter hydro motor; 2 - tailgate hydraulic
cylinders; 3 - support foot hydraulic cylinder; 4 - valve; 5 - connection coupling.
4.6 Warning light signalling
The electricity system of the tractor manure spreader is adapted to operation together with the direct
12 V current electricity system of the tractor.
Fig. 4.4. The general electric diagram of the Manure spreader MKL. 1
electrical switch socket to the tractor; 2
switch to the manure spreader; 3
rear right light; 4
rear left light; 5
turn signal lamp; 6
fender lamp; 7
brake lamp; 8
licence plate lamp; 9
position lamp.