LAUDA Ultra-Thermostats
UB 20(-D), UB 25, UB 50, UB 30, UB 40
UB 20 F, UB 20 J, UB 30 J, UB 40 J, UB 65 J
UB 20 JL, UB 30 JL, UB 40 JL
YATE0013 / 10.04.02
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Working with controlled cooling
Operation with controlled cooling requires a solenoid valve (see Item 3.7).
Insert the plug of the solenoid valve into the socket (19 H) on the back. The solenoid
valve can be fitted either on the cooling coil or on a 1/2" water tap. Although fitting on
the cooling coil is the usual method, mounting directly on the water tap is preferable for
two reasons: When the valve is closed, the connection hose to the cooling coil is not
under pressure; therefore there will not be a pressure surge when the valve is switched
on, and the danger of the hose bursting is much reduced. Use hose clips!
With controlled cooling operation the solenoid valve switches with a cycle time of about
6 s. L
indicates on the right the symbol
for the status of the solenoid valve.
Restrict the water flow as much as possible at the water tap. This produces improved
control and saves cooling water.
Note: ensure that the cooling coil connectors
are used. Do not mix them up with
the pump connectors!
It is essential to ensure free outflow from the cooling coil, especially at operating
temperatures above 100°C because of steam formation! The use of controlled cooling is
particularly helpful when initiating exthermal reactions or in programmer operation.
Solenoid valve for cooling water control
Cat. No. UD 085
Mating plug for other solenoid valve
Cat. No. EQS 005