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DE-01728 Bannewitz
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Figure 45: Measurement set-up to measure magnetic fields with the MS 02 magnetic field probe.
The disturbance current which is fed into the module distributes according to the module's metallic system.
The ground system usually accounts for the largest share of the metallic system. This means that the
disturbance current will flow via the ground system and the respective magnetic field depends on the form
of the ground system. Figure 46 shows the current flow and the respective magnetic field.
If the ground system does not comprise a closed surface but is split by gaps, strong magnetic fields will be
generated in these gaps and will have a particularly negative effect on lines which are located there. The
MS 02 magnetic field probe can be used to search for these critical points.
Figure 46: Operational principle of the MS 02 magnetic field probe in connection with the SGZ 21.