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DE-01728 Bannewitz
[email protected]
ES 02 E-field sources
ES 02 couples an electric field to the
housing of an IC. The tip of the E-field
source is placed onto the IC housing
to examine individual areas.
This method can also be used for
other components (SMD resistors) or
conductor runs.
E-field source
ES 05D couples an electric field to the
conductor runs of a printed circuit
board. If the conductor runs are very
close to each other in a bundle, it may
not be possible to find out exactly
which conductor run is the sensitive
one. The developer thus has to find a
point in the layout where the
conductor run is exposed or he has to
use the ES 08D probe tip.
ES 05D couples an electric field to a
quartz crystal oscillator housing to
test the sensitivity of the associated IC
connections. Depending on the IC
manufacturer, the quartz crystal
oscillator connections of ICs can be
very sensitive to electric field.
ES 05D couples an electric field to the
core of a ribbon cable to test its