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DE-01728 Bannewitz
[email protected]
This requires different variants of coupling disturbance current to the device under test, such as:
Disturbance current can be fed through sections of the ground system if the two generator outputs are
galvanically connected to the ground system of the device under test.
Disturbance current can be fed to ground and returned via V
Disturbance current can be fed into the primary side of a transformer or opto-coupler and returned via the
secondary side. (Take appropriate protective measures when working with voltages of more than 42 V!)
Both generator outputs are connected to the device under test for two-pole coupling.
Figure 19: Two-pole injection into the device under test with the SGZ 21.
Figure 19 shows that not all of the coupling paths marked red are accessible in the device if set up
completely. The housing prevents the SGZ 21 from being connected to the printed circuit boards.
The SGZ 21 can only be connected to metal parts (PE bolt) of the housing and lines that lead to the outside
(Figure 20).
Figure 20: Complete device with housing and printed circuit boards.