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DE-01728 Bannewitz
[email protected]
ES 00 – 02 E-field sources
ES 00 couples an electric field to
signal lines of a printed circuit board
to test the sensitivity of components
or signal lines. The ES 05D E-field
source or ES 08D probe tip can then
be used to select individual lines or
ES 01 couples an electric field to
signal lines of a ribbon cable to find
out whether one of the affected
signal lines is sensitive to electric
fields. The ES 05D electric field probe
is then used for a more precise
selection of the individual lines.
ES 02 couples an electric field to the
ground system of a printed circuit
board. A disturbance current is
coupled capacitively to the printed
circuit board. The disturbance
current may then affect weak points
that are sensitive to magnetic fields.
ES 02 couples an electric field to a
conductor run. Placing the probe
onto the conductor run on edge
facilitates the selection of an
individual conductor run. This
method is ideal for relatively
insensitive lines since the E-field
source has a longer edge (coupling
surface) than the ES 05D.