Daily Cleaning
1. Using the cleaning solution, clean Top Cover and all exterior
stainless steel surfaces.
2. Clean exterior of dispensing valves and ice chute.
3. Remove Cup Rest, clean Drip Tray and Cup Rest, and
replace Cup Rest.
4. Wipe clean all splash areas using a damp cloth soaked in
cleaning solution.
Clean beverage valves as specified by the valve
Ice Bin Cleaning - Start-Up and Monthly
1. Disconnect power to the dispenser
2. Remove Top Cover.
3. Melt out any remaining ice from the bin.
4. Remove Agitator Pin from Agitator Shaft. Slide Agitator Shaft
rearward out Hub and pull out of rear Bearing to remove.
5. Remove Ice Shroud by lifting and rotating out from beneath
the auger.
6. Use the Cleaning Solution, and a clean cloth or soft brush,
to clean all removable parts, sides of the Ice Bin, Auger, and
surface of the aluminum casting.
7. Using the Cleaning Solution and the sponge brush provided,
clean all interior surfaces of the ice chute and the ice chute
feed through.
8. Repeat Step 6 for all exterior surfaces of the dispenser.
9. Using hot water, thoroughly rinse away the cleaning solution.
10. Wearing sanitary gloves, soak and clean cloth towel in
Sanitizing Solution and wash all surfaces of removable parts,
sides of the Ice Bin, Auger, and surface of the aluminum
11. Using the Sanitizing Solution and the sponge brush
provided, clean all interior surfaces of the ice chute and the
ice chute feed through.
12. Repeat Step 10 for all exterior surfaces of the dispenser.
13. Wearing sanitary gloves, reassemble all removable parts.
Ensure agitator clip is locked.
14. Fill Unit with ice and replace Top Cover.
15. Reconnect Dispenser to power source.
Refer to the Automatic Agitation Warning on page 3.
Défense de rincer l’outil à l’eau fraiche immédiatement
après un traitement septique.En cas de après-goût, ne
purger avec le produit final une exigence NSF.
Following sanitization, rinse with end-use product
until there is no aftertaste. Do not use a fresh water
rinse. This is a NSF requirement. Residual sanitizing
solution left in the system creates a health hazard.
Después de la esterilización, enjuague con el
producto final hasta que eliminar el sabor que queda.
No enjuague con agua fresca. Ésta es una exigencia de
NSF. Si queda solución de esterilización en el sistema,
genera un peligro para la salud.
Cleaning and Sanitizing Syrup Lines - Bag in Box
1. Disconnect syrup lines from BIB’s
2. Place syrup lines, with BIB connectors, in a bucket of warm
Activate each valve to fill the lines with warm water and flush
out syrup remaining in the lines.
4. Prepare Cleaning Solution described above.
5. Place syrup lines, with BIB connectors, into cleaning
Activate each valve until lines are filled with cleaning
solution then let stand for ten (10) minutes.
7. Flush out cleaning solution from the syrup lines using clean,
warm water.
8. Prepare Sanitizing Solution described on previous page.
9. Place syrup lines into sanitizing solution and activate each
valve to fill lines with sanitizer. Let sit for ten (10) minutes.
Reconnect syrup lines to BIB’s and draw drinks to flush
solution from the dispenser.
Taste the drink to verify that there is no off-taste. If off-taste
is found, flush syrup system again.