Lake Shore Model 218 Temperature Monitor User’s Manual
Linear (Continued)
when the desired source appears.
In the fifth display of the Math setting sequence, specify the
variable, then press
. Resolution
is 5 digits (0.0001 to 9999.9).
In the sixth display of the Math setting sequence, specify the
variable, then press
. Resolution
is 5 digits (0.0001 to 9999.9). Press
at any time to return to the normal display. The
instrument retains values changed prior to pressing
4.7.3 Filter
The reading filter applies exponential smoothing to the sensor input readings. If the filter is turned on
for a sensor input all reading values for that input are filtered. The filter does not change the update
rate on an input. Filtered readings are available as often as non filtered readings.
The number of filter points determines how much smoothing is done. One filter point corresponds to
one new reading on that input. A larger number of points does more smoothing but also slows the
instruments response to real changes in temperature. If the measured temperature changes quickly
the reading will settle at the new value in about 6 times the number of filter points.
The filter window is a limit for restarting the filter. If a single reading is different from the filter value by
more than the limit the instrument will assume the change was intentional and restart the filter. Filter
window is set in percent of full scale range.
To set up the filter, press
, select an input, then press
until the seventh display of the Math
setting sequence appears.
Use the Data Selection keys to turn the filter On or Off:
Filters all reading values for the specified input
No filtering for the specified input.