General information
Assembly / Dismantling
Explanatory information
Set values
Flow set temperature (fixed value)
Display of the maximum flow temperature
Without BUS: Input or the desired flow temperature.
Return flow temperature increase (only with
Here the minimum return flow temperature for the heat
generator can be entered.
With a pump-controller return flow increase, the mixer
dynamic must be set to "—" The pump comes on if the
min. return temperature is too low.
The pump is switched off if the return flow temperature
exceeds the limit by 5K.
In the case of a return flow temperature increase via mixer,
the mixer on the return flow sensor will regulate the
temperature to the value set here.
Mixer dynamic (for return flow temperature
Speed setting at which the mixer motor adjusts when a
control difference occurs. The control difference at which
the mixer motor opens/closes without interruption is
entered in Kelvin.
Standard value "—" => No mixer but return flow
temperature increase pump. The setting 12 (12K deviation
= 100% ID) cannot be used for most mixer motors.
Small values cause the mixer to adjust quickly and can
lead to oscillation.
Modulation (
1/2/11/Mod = m)
Stand-alone or individual heat generators => Mixer
dynamics for air damper control
Cascade => Setting the activation time [s] of the air
damper from CLOSE to OPEN position (info on type plate).
Mod Heat generator stages
1 = single stage heat generator
2 = 2-stage heat generator
2A = 2-stage heat generator
(only in the case of KM2 replacement)
11 = two single-stage heat generators
m = (Mod) modulating heat generator (air damper)
(number of the heat generator)
[-01] = Heating module address 1 with boiler set value
specifications from Manager (from individual switching
heat generators or individual heat generators modulated
via air damper control))
[01 - 08] [11-88] If used as a heat generator in a cascade
=> Enter number of the heat generator. Settings >08 are
only supported when corresponding cascade managers
are used for connecting cascades.
If two heat generators [11] are set, the second heat
generator is assigned the address [BUS-ID + 1].
If KM2 replacement [2A] is set, the second burner
stage is assigned the address [BUS-ID + 1].