LaCie Ethernet Disk mini
User Manual
The Ethernet Disk mini is first attached by default
to the Windows Workgroup. On this page, you can
modify the workgroup to which the LaCie Ethernet
Disk mini is attached. If you have altered the work-
group, click the Submit Changes button to activate your
changes (Fig. 5.3.2.A.).
5.3.2. Windows Workgroup
Fig. ...A.
A workgroup name can contain up
to 15 characters, including letters, numbers, and
the following characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) _ - ; :
‘” , . It cannot contain any spaces, and must begin
with a letter or number.
Using the NAS Administration Page
page 0
Here you can modify the AppleTalk Zone to which
the LaCie Ethernet Disk mini is attached. If you have
altered the AppleTalk Zone, click the Submit Changes
button to activate your changes (Fig. 5.3.3.A.).
5.3.3. AppleTalk Zone
Fig. ...A.