LaCie Ethernet Disk mini
User Manual
5.2. Administering The LaCie Ethernet Disk mini
After the login is validated, you will enter the LaCie
Ethernet Disk mini’s Web Administration Page. Along
the top of the page are a series of tabs (Configuration,
Network, Disk, Shares, Users, Media and Status), from
which you can navigate and configure the LaCie Eth-
ernet Disk mini.
The first page that appears will give you the oppor-
tunity to select the language that you wish to use for the
Web Administration Page. Simply use the pull-down
menu beside the Language selector to find your lan-
guage, and then click Submit Changes to activate your
language. You may come back to this page at any time
by clicking on the language’s flag, located just below the
program tabs (Fig. 5.2.1.A.).
5.2.1. Setting The User Language
Fig. ...A.
Fig. ...A.
You can close the Web Administration program at
any point while the Web page is open by clicking Log
Off, located just below the tabs in the upper-right hand
corner of the screen.
After clicking Log Off, click on the Close Window
button to leave the program (Fig. 5.2.2.A.).
5.2.2. Log Off
Depending on your
browser settings, clicking the “Log Off ” button may
or may not close the browser window.
Using the NAS Administration Page