This espresso machine is e uipped with se eral feedbac mechanisms that alert the operator when an unusual condition occurs.
dditionally the espresso machine will warn the operator when certain parameters fall below or abo e the programmed point. These
errors and warnings will appear as a message in the display.
The following section will describe errors and warnings that may appear in the display.
Message Solution
This message is displayed when the
does not
detect a full signal from the steam boiler within the
set time inter al.
hen this message is displayed the
also shuts down and turns off power to the machine see
the parameter e el Timeout . ress the
button to reset this error.
S t e a
B o i l e r
A u t o f i l l F a i l e d
C o f f e e B o i l e r 1
P r o b e F a i l e d
This message is displayed when the
does not
detect the temperature probe.
hen this message is displayed the
shuts down and turns off the machine.
The way to reset this error is to erify and to reconnect the temperature probe.
SB F i l l e d ?
This message is displayed during rst installation
and when preset of settings is made.
ush enter if team oiler is lled. erify the presence of water loo ing the sight glass.
G r o u p s B l e d ?
This message is displayed during rst installation
and when preset of settings is made.
ush enter if groups ha e been blend ie no air is present in groups.
C o f f e e B o i l e r 1
I s No t H e a t i n g
This message is displayed when the coffee boiler
does not reach the minimum temperature with the
programmed time inter al.
ee the parameter eating Timeout for more information. The number on the display corresponds
to the number of the faulty coffee boiler.
C o f f e e B o i l e r 1
O v e r h e a t e d
This message is displayed when the coffee boiler
temperature e ceeds the ma imum allowed
hen this message is displayed call an authori ed ser ice technician to repair this fault. The also
turns power off to the coffee boiler.
S t e a
B o i l e r
P r o b e F a i l e d
This message is displayed when the
does not
detect the temperature probe.
hen this message is displayed the
shuts down and turns off the machine.
The way to reset this error is to erify and to reconnect the temperature probe.
S t e a
B o i l e r
O v e r h e a t e d
This message is displayed when the steam boiler
temperature e ceeds the ma imum allowed
hen this message is displayed call an authori ed ser ice technician to repair this fault. The also
turns power off to the steam boiler.
S t e a
B o i l e r
I s No t H e a t i n g
This message is displayed when the steam boiler
does not reach the minimum temperature with the
programmed time inter al.
ee the parameter eating Timeout for more information.