2) Accessories
hec the pac age to ma e sure that the
following accessories are included
a number of
dose and
porta lters orresponding to the number
of groups
replacement dose and dose lters
one of each
blind lter
cleaning detergent for the groups
stainless steel braided hoses for
water connections
mt of reinforced plastic tubing for
hose clamp
n order to proceed with installation it is
necessary that the following are a ailable
ipes carrying drin ing water with a
end connection
ompression for
and anada
lectrical upply according to the
speci cation of the espresso machine
ingle Three phase
electrical connection with ground
protected soc et and appro ed
interloc switch
ingle phase
electrical connection with ground
protected soc et and appro ed
interloc switch
Three phase
electrical connection with neutral
ground near the bench on which the
machine is installed and terminating
in a suitable protected epole soc et
e uipped with an appro ed interloc
aste water drain system.
3) Water test kit
n order to enable you to chec if your water
supply is within the suggested ranges a
ar occo machines will be e uipped with
two units of a uic water test it see image
below including test strips and instruction
The parameters that you can measure are
Total ardness Total ron ree hlorine
Total hlorine p Total l alinity
deally you should perform a test on the
the water treatment system
and again T
the water system in order
to erify if this is actually matching our
suggested ranges.
nce the test has been performed learn
which treatment system is most appropriate
for your particular water supply by lling out
the online water calculator on our website
www.lamar occo.com water calculator .
4) Flowmeter safety removal
efore switch on remo e the clamp from
the flowmeter located inside the machine as
indicated by the adhesi e label applied on
the main switch. lso remo e the label from
the main switch.