7. De-commissioning and Demolition
1) De-commissioning and demolition
tart by setting the main switch to the
Disconnecting from the power outlet
isconnect the espresso machine from
the electrical networ by switching off
the associated circuit brea er or circuit
protection de ice. emo e the power
supply cord from the power connection.
emo e the ump otor ower ord from
the water pump motor.
Disconnecting from the water system
hut off the water supply by closing the
speci c tap located upstream of the water
lter softener inlet. isconnect the water
pipe at the water lter softener inlet.
emo e the hose connecting the espresso
machine to the water pump. emo e
the reinforced plastic tubing on the drain
t this point the machine may be remo ed
from the bar being ery careful not to drop
it or s uash your ngers.
The machine is made out of arious
materials and therefore if you do not
intend to put it bac in ser ice it must
be ta en to a special disposal company
which will select the materials which can
be recycled and discard the others.
urrent regulations ma e it illegal to
discard such machine by lea ing it on
public grounds or on any pri ate property.
Recycling notice: Warning for the protection of the
lectrical and electronic waste
contains ha ardous but also aluable
and scarce materials which should be
reco ered and recycled properly. e indly
as that you contribute to the protection of
the en ironment and natural resources by
deli ering used e uipment to the rele ant
recycling locations if such locations are
a ailable in your country.
each steam wand for at least one minute.
Turn on the hot water al e for the time
necessary to allow the following uantities
of water to be brewed
t least liter for a
group machine
t least liters for a group machine
f the machine is not going to be used
for long periods of time it is ad isable to
follow these safety indications
isconnect the machine from the water
mains or interrupt the water connection
ia a mains tap.
isconnect the machine from the
electrical mains.