Operating Procedure
Accessing Programming Mode
To change the alues of any parameter
the operator must rst enter into the
programming mode.
There are two le els within the
programming mode that allow the
programming of speci c parameters.
The two programming le els are as
arista rogramming The parameters
contained within this le el are ones
the operator can change to affect the
uality of the espresso.
o password is re uired for access.
Technical rogramming The parameters
contained within this le el are ones
the operator can change to affect the
performance of the espresso machine.
These parameters are set in the factory
and their ad ustment re uires the
inter ention of a ser ice technician a
ar occo reccomends that no changes
are made at this le el. The Technician
assword is re uired for access.
Programming Mode
L a
a r z o c c o 0 9 : 3 0
9 4 . 5 9 4 . 6 9 4 . 5 SB
“Barista” Programming Level
hile the espresso machine is on press and hold the button T
. fter appro imately seconds the fol
lowing display appears.
This is the
arista programming le el. To program the brewing amount for each button to set the coffee
boilers the pre infusion and to enable disable the resistance of the cup warmer if present.
To e it the programming mode scroll to the e it menu using the buttons T
or T
. ress the T
button to con rm the e it or press at the same time the buttons T and T .
“Technical” Programming Level
hile the espresso machine is on press and hold the button T
. fter appro imately
seconds the
following display appears.
This is the Technical programming le el. nter the password and press the buttons
and T2
to mo e
between the a ailable parameters press the T button
to con rm.
ou must scroll to the e it menu to e it the programming mode or press at the same time the buttons T
and T3.
L a
a r z o c c o 0 9 : 3 0
9 4 . 5 9 4 . 6 9 4 . 5 SB
P r o g r a
Do s e
L a
a r z o c c o 0 0 : 0 0
CB 9 3 . 8
P r e s s E n t e r
To E x i t
E n t e r Pa s swo r d