12. Next, select the X-axis data by clicking the right-most icon in the “X Values :" And then, Choose the
appropriate data range. In this example, we select the time column we just made as the X-axis, since it is
located in a sheet named history1 and is from cell M3 to M62 (plot a graph between 1:30 to 2:29. The
“=history1!$M$3:$M$62” is now written in the box.
13. Next select the weather data as Y-Axis, we choose the indoor temperature as Y-Axis, so we have the
following screen.
A) When decimal separator is comma Choose column N.
B) When decimal separator is point. Choose column B.
14. As shown below, both the X and Y axis data range are selected. The variation of temperature within 1:30
to 2:29 can now be seen.