Rain (mm/inch)
Wind speed (m/s, km/h, mph, knots)
7.3 Heavy Weather Settings - Pressure tab:
Selected the air pressure display required. The air pressure display unit set on the Heavy Weather program
from the PC does not affect the air pressure display unit on the base station
Absolute/Relative Air Pressure
Note: For actual air pressure settings on the base station, please see the main instruction manual
7.4 Heavy Weather Settings - History tab:
Changing history files:
Here the user can change the history file used to save the weather data received from the base station.
Simply click the change history file button, select the file to be changed and click OK to confirm the file
change. However, the user must create new history files since there must be more than one file saved in
order to select a file change.
Creating new history files:
1) Click Change History File button to open the Select History File window
2) Type in a new file name and click OK
3) The file will be saved in the Heavy Weather directory that was created during installation of the Heavy
Weather software and will automatically point here when the history files are opened again.
Deleting history files:
1) Use the mouse and click once to highlight the file to be deleted and press the delete key on your keyboard
to deleted the file(s)
2) After the file(s) are deleted and before exiting the Select History File window, the user must select or
create a history file for the weather data otherwise the weather history cannot register and a error prompt
will appear for the user to create or select a history file
3) Alternatively, delete the file directly from the Heavy Weather directory