MPM-1000A Operator Manual
1000-7075 Rev E
Table 8-14 NCW PSD Tab
Antenna Beamwidth Power Spectral Density Settings
Beamwidth (deg)
Antenna Beamwidth in degrees. Values between 0.00 and 10.00 can
be entered.
PSD (dBW/Hz)
Power Spectral Density entry in dBW/Hz. Values between -50.00 and
0.00 can be entered.
Regulatory PSD Limits
Select Regulatory PSD Limit.
ITU Offset from FCC (dB)
Set the offset from the FCC PSD limit. This is applied for
I nt er national Tel ec omm unic ation Uni on (ITU) Operations.
Downlink PSD Limit
This sets the PSD limit of the downlink.
Apply Button
This will apply changes made to the Regulatory PSD, ITU Offset and
Downlink PSD Limit.
Add Button
Add new data to the Antenna Beamwidth PSD table.
Delete Button
Delete data from the Antenna Beamwidth PSD table.
Edit Button
Edit a data entry in the Antenna Beamwidth PSD table.
Default Button
Sets the data entries in the Antenna Beamwidth PSD table to those
mandated by the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
Figure 8-20 Antenna Beamwidth vs. Power Spectral Density